Enjoy all the deliciousness of the Steak48 Corn Creme Brûlée from the comfort of your own home.

There is a very popular restaurant in Houston, Texas called Steak48 – they have several locations all over the United States, and to be honest it is one of my husband and I’s favorite places to eat. The steaks are always amazing; they have my favorite side dish ever – the twice backed truffle potato [promise I am going to do a copycat of that side dish one day].

One of their many popular side dishes is the Corn Crème Brûlée. It is served in a cash iron dish and topped with a brûlée sugar topping that sends this staple side over the top. I recently had it for the first time and just knew I had to try making this dish at home.

What I love most about this dish is that for the most part, all the ingredients to make this dish can be found in your pantry if not, your local grocery market. For the most part you will have the equipment to make this at home as well, beside the torch, which you don’t NEED – a kitchen torch, however it makes it so much easier. But do not over think this side dish – you are at home, this is for your family and friends, enjoy the process of this side. It is truly a show stopper.


You do not need to butter your serving dishes but it certainly does not hurt. In a medium saucepan, melt butter. Add the frozen corn, you can use fresh corn or canned corn as well – cook over medium heat, stirring occasionally, until tender, about 5 minutes. Transfer your cooked corn to a medium bowl to use later.

Cream Mixture

In the saucepan, melt the remaining butter. Add the flour and cook over moderate heat, stirring constantly, until the flour and butter smell toasty and begin to thicken, about 2 minutes. Add the heavy cream and stir until the mixture begins to bubble. Whisk in the granulated sugar and continue to cook for 1 more minute. Add the cooked corn and cook 2 minutes more. Remove from the heat. You don’t want to overcook this as the cream could curdle then break – you want a creaming mixture. I will say it again, remove it from the heat.

The Magic *Torch*

What truly sets this dish apart is torching the sugar at the very end. You can use turbinado sugar or granulated sugar, both will taste delicious in the end. My only advice is that you need LESS turbinado sugar to get that beautiful brûlée. You will need more granulated sugar which may ultimately effect the taste – also if you want less sugar in general, you may want the tubinado sugar.

WAIT to allow the brûlée topping to harden after you have torched it – I was so excited to eat this, when I first went into the dish, the sugar topping was soft (because it was still HOT), after about 5 minutes it set and was that beautiful hard texture when you hit it with your fork, it makes that clink. You want the clink. So just wait 5 minutes, I promise it will be worth it in the end.

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Copycat Steak48 Corn Creme Brûlée

Difficulty: Intermediate Prep Time 5 mins Cook Time 10 mins Rest Time 5 mins Total Time 20 mins
Servings: 4
Best Season: Suitable throughout the year


The creaminess of the corn is simply delicious but the brûlée of this simple side dish truly sets it apart as a memorable addition to any meal. Enjoy this steakhouse worthy side dish in the comfort of your own home.


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  1. Butter 4 small ramekins or one 9-by-9 inch baking dish and set on a rimmed baking sheet.

  2. in a medium saucepan, melt butter. Add the frozen corn and cook over moderate heat, stirring occasionally, until tender, about 5 minutes. Transfer to a medium bowl.

  3. In the saucepan, melt the remaining butter. Add the flour and cook over moderate heat, stirring constantly, until the flour and butter smell toasty and begin to thicken, about 2 minutes. 

  4. Add the heavy cream and stir until the mixture begins to bubble. Whisk in the granulated sugar and continue to cook for 1 more minute. Add the cooked corn and cook 2 minutes more. Remove from the heat.

  5. Divide the mixture between the ramekins or spread in the baking dish. Sprinkle the tops with sugar.

  6. Use your hand torch and get about 1-2 in. away from the sugar and begin torching the sugar till caramelized. 


You can also do this in the oven on broil but keep a close eye on it.

Keywords: copycat, corn, creme brûlée, side dish, dinner
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  1. Paula g

    Can I make this a day ahead and just put it in the oven to heat?

  2. Britany

    I had the same question as Nicole and have figured out through cooking the recipe a few times that Step three is an eighth of a cup of butter or quarter stick. I remember. when making a roux you usually use equal parts, butter and flour so after I cook the corn in the stick of butter and remove it from the pan, I add an eighth of A cup of butter or 1/4 Stick and an 1/8 cup of flour with the cream to make the roux. Additionally, if you don’t have a hand torch, you can broil it on the rack closest to the flame for about 4 to 5 minutes, but you must watch it closely to make sure the sugar doesn’t burn. I always use turbinado sugar and it turns out amazing! Best Dishes

  3. Nicole

    Hi, this recipe looks yummy and I’ve had a version of this at Perry’s Steakhouse. My question is how much butter should be used in steps 2 & 3? I want to make this for Christmas dinner but I wanted to have the correct measurements for the butter.
    Thank you!

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